Tag Archives: python

Clone Graph (Leetcode)

What can I say, I like graphs. This problem is from the archives, but I think especially from a pedagogical standpoint these “copy the data structure” (or usually I like, “print the data structure”) are terrific educational exercises.

The approach I took for this problem is the commented helper function. I think I need to review DFS/BFS and make sure I’m using the right number of node-marking (typically I’ve seen it formulated as a node being “marked” done or workset, rather than added to a set — that is more efficient generally.

class Solution:
    def cloneGraph(self, node: 'Node') -> 'Node':
        if node is None:
            return None

        # We want to provide a function to get the
        # "corresponding" node, allocating it if needed.
        cor = {}
        def getCor(u):
            if u not in cor:
                cor[u] = Node(u.val)
            return cor[u]

        workset = set([])
        done = set([])
        while len(workset) > 0:
            n = workset.pop()
            if n in done:
            m = getCor(n)
            for u in n.neighbors:
                v = getCor(u)
                if u not in done:
                    if u not in workset:

        return getCor(node)


  • All graph problems (rare) are collected here.

Unique Morse Code Words (Leetcode)

Another from the archives. I had too much fun with this python approach. A nice introductory string question.

class Solution:
    def uniqueMorseRepresentations(self, words: List[str]) -> int:
        mapping = [".-","-...","-.-.","-..",".","..-.","--.","....","..",".---","-.-",".-..","--","-.","---",".--.","--.-",".-.","...","-","..-","...-",".--","-..-","-.--","--.."]
        def mapIndex(c):
            return ord(c) - ord('a')
        def mapWord(w):
            return ''.join(map(lambda c: mapping[mapIndex(c)], w))
        return len(set(list(map(mapWord, words))))

This is a fine introductory interview question. The exact motivation isn’t great, but “process this data and count unique ones” is fine. More strings — a popular request from my students — here.

Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes (Leetcode)

This is a fun-enough question, I guess. I feel like I’ve seen a few questions with BSTs where the answer involves the idea that in-order traversal presents their content as a sorted list. Or should… Oh yeah, this would much-improve my answer for this older question.

Interlude: Yield Statements

I guess sometimes they’re called coroutines? Fun excuse to use those in Python. For our purposes they’re a “better” (?) way of collapsing the BST we have into a sorted list. The magic of that isn’t the coroutines of course, it’s that in-order traversal of a BST presents the contents as a sorted list. The yield statement just makes it nice, we don’t have to allocate a whole intermediate list.


class Solution(object):
    def inOrderYield(self, root):
        if root is None:
        for x in self.inOrderYield(root.left):
            yield x
        yield root.val
        for y in self.inOrderYield(root.right):
            yield y
    def minDiffInBST(self, root):
        minDiff = None
        prev = None
        for v in self.inOrderYield(root):
            if prev is None:
                prev = v
            if minDiff is None:
                minDiff = v - prev
                prev = v
            minDiff = min(minDiff, v - prev)
            prev = v
        return minDiff

I bet there’s a better way of doing the final loop in our main function.

More BST goodness here.

Permutation Sequence (Leetcode)

I’ve decided to call this permutation sequence question a “classic problem” because it is I think a very reasonable combinatorics/counting question. Also, the problem is marked as a “Leetcode Hard”, so I figure I should get one of those on this blog before too long.

Discussion and Approach to Solution

As a change of pace, I tried to see what it would be like to make a “literate code” approach. This, uh, didn’t work. I ended up with a block comment above the code, so I’ve extracted that out here:

for [1, 2, 3, 4], we have 3! sequences that begin with 1, 3! that begin with 2, etc… so we end up with 4 * 3! = 4!, that checks out. So in general, if we have a size-n set, there are n! distinct values, and the first (n-1)! begin with 1, then the next (n-1)! begin with 2, etc. This reasoning applies recursively. So we want to find the highest “m” in [1, n] such that (m-1)(n-1)! < k (or equiv, the smallest m such that m(n-1)! >= k. Maybe that’s a better formulation). Note the “punning” between m as an element of the remaining set, and n as the count of elements left in the set. In turn, m is the index of the m’th largest element, not literally the value m.

So that’s a terse comment. To take a step back:

If we consider the n! possible permutations of [1..n], in lexicographical order, the first (n-1)! begin with 1, the next (n-1)! begin with 2, and so on. This leads to n sub-sequences of length (n-1)!, and we can be confident that the concatenation of these sequences gives us the original sequence back, as there are n*(n-1)!=n! elements altogether.

This suggests an analogy to digits (if we consider the sequence [0..999], the first 100 “begin” with 0, the next 100 begin with 1, and so for 10 times, leading to 100*10 = 1000 elements). We can repeat this recursively, for the sequence [0..99] there are again 10 sub-sequences. Unspooling the recursive reasoning, it means we can “index” into that sequence by looking at successively-lower-magnitude digits. This feels like a no-op because it’s sort of what we already do with normal indexing.

With this factorial-esque indexing, there are n biggest-“digit” sequences, then n-1 next-digit-sequences, and so on. The formulation in the code below is not explicitly recursive, but instead currentIndex is basically, well, the index of the implicit sequence of [result + start]. And we select certain elements from start to “increment” our currentIndex.


class Solution(object):
    def getPermutation(self, n, k):
        # for [1, 2, 3, 4], we have 3! sequences that begin with 1, 3! that begin with 2, etc...
        # so we end up with 4 * 3! = 4!, that checks out.
        # So in general, if we have a size-n set, there are n! distinct values,
        # and the first (n-1)! begin with 1, then the next (n-1)! begin with 2, etc.
        # This reasoning applies recursively.
        # So we want to find the highest "m" in [1, n] such that (m-1)(n-1)! < k
        # (or equiv, the smallest m such that m(n-1)! >= k. Maybe that's a better formulation).
        # Note the "punning" between m as an element of the remaining set, and n as the *count*
        # of elements left in the set. In turn, m is the *index* of the m'th largest element, not
        # literally the value m.
        def fact(n):
            res = 1
            for i in range(1, n):
                res *= i
            return res
        result = []
        start = list([i for i in range(1, n+1)])
        currentIndex = 1
        while currentIndex != k:
            # find the smallest m. Careful reasoning about indexing
            # to avoid off-by-one errors (1-indexed the range of permutations,
            # but m itself should be zero-indexed as it goes into `start`)
            incrementN = fact(len(start))
            m = -1
            for m in range(len(start)):
                # My one bug: I left out the "currentIndex + " part, which lead
                # to an interesting behavior: n=5, k=1 and n=5, k=120 both passed without this!
                if currentIndex + (m*incrementN) > k:
                    m -= 1
            # remove m from start, we've selected it
            assert(m >= 0 and m < len(start))
            currentIndex += m*incrementN
        # At this point we know we should emit the "0th" remaining permutation.
        # Some subtlety in making sure we're appending to result in the same "direction"
        # as done in the while loop
        result += start
        return ''.join(map(str, result))

Discussion as an interview question

This is a hard-core question about recursive reasoning. I’m not sure about its appropriateness. As notes for my own attempt, while I didn’t recall my approach I did actually implement this code a long, long time ago, and in a previous form of this blog talked about the general approach. You can see my older implementation (when I was literally studying enumerations) is much better. So in revisiting this I was able to recall the broad strokes of a way that would work, and then take it from there.

Discussion general

This is a really neat computer science problem! I have a soft spot for enumeration problems, and have enjoyed jumping into Knuth 4A a few times particularly for Gray codes. I have dreams of using those to help provide exhaustive test suites for other combinatoric algorithms, but I just don’t have the time. There is a lot of depth to this topic I’m not familiar with; reconciling my “analogy” with the more in-depth treatment of Factorial Number Systems is something I should do one day.

More recursive problems (which I guess will include enumeration problems?) here.

Is Graph Bipartite? (Leetcode)

Another classic question, and another from the archives. This one’s nice enough where I took a stab at it in Python for readability.

class Solution(object):
    def isBipartite(self, graph):
        color = {}
        wl = []
        for x, ns in enumerate(graph):
            if x in color: continue
            wl = [x]
            color[x] = 1
            while wl:
                u = wl.pop()
                for w in graph[u]:
                    if w in color and color[w] == color[u]: return False
                    if w not in color:
                        color[w] = 1 - color[u]
        return True


  • The 1 - color[u] trick is handy. It’s a quick way to have 2 options, sort of like not‘ing a boolean variable. Something to teach new people.
  • I think there is the possibility that many of the same node is added to wl. I think I need another seen set to make sure we’re not iterating too often. Well, it passed.
  • The outermost loop is always a bit annoying: it’d be nice to promise that the graph is always connected. It’s good to know how to handle that situation, so I suppose that’s OK.
  • The term color here is because a bipartite graph is the same as a 2-colorable graph. Graph-coloring is a core combinatoric question. This solution overall follows from the observation that “if U is on the left, then all neighbors of U must be on the right, and vice-versa”. Instead of left/right, we use 2 colors (which in this case are… integers).
  • This is basically an extension of DFS. There is probably an opportunity for more cleverness.

Finally, a graph algorithm! More to come, I imagine. They’re all collected here.

Reverse a Linked List (Leetcode)

It’s time. It’s obvious I have a lot of linked questions, and here’s the classic. At least when I was an intern way-back-when, this was a cliche “overdone and inappropriate interview question”. It’s a nice exercise on thinking about linked lists, but unless your job requires it (my first job did!) I understand it feels a bit esoteric. Still, I like it.

Iterative Solution

class Solution(object):
    def reverseList(self, head):
        tail = None
        while head:
            n = head
            head = head.next
            n.next = tail
            tail = n
        return tail

Recursive Solution

class Solution(object):
    def reverseList(self, head):
        if head is None:
            return None
        if head.next is None:
            return head
        newTail = head
        head = head.next
        newTail.next = None
        res = self.reverseList(head)
        head.next = newTail
        return res


I’m open to being wrong, but it seems that the iterative solution is nicer than the recursive one? Some of the pointer “faith”, in particular that head points to the tail of the reversed sub-list (penultimate line), is a bit much. With pointers that’d be a lot clearer I think, but Python’s references make it a bit fuzzier for me.

If anything, I think the reasoning about how the iterative solution works is very recursive-feeling. Or at least a nice application of loop invariants.

This question covers a lot! More linked list questions are here.