Tag Archives: interesting loops

Network Delay Time (Leetcode)

This is a classic algorithm, and from the archive! It is just Dijkstra’s algorithm, and in fact this sort of formulation is exactly how my undergrad algorithms professor tried to have us develop the intuition of how it worked. I appreciate that this formulation at least suggests something of an approachable motivation, measuring network latency and similar.

class Solution(object):
    def networkDelayTime(self, times, n, k):
        # Cache neighbors and their weights
        neighbors = {u : [] for u, _, _ in times}
        for u, v, w in times:
            neighbors[u].append((v, w))
        # Djikstra's
        worklist = [k]
        cost = {k: 0} # cost to reach k
        while worklist:
            u = worklist.pop()
            c = cost[u]
            if u not in neighbors:
                continue # its a sink
            for v, w in neighbors[u]:
                if v not in cost or cost[v] > w + c:
                    cost[v] = w + c
        # Return requested result
        if len(cost) != n:
            return -1
        return max(cost.values())


This was originally “easy” on Leetcode, according to my notes. I think with some thought this can be an approachable, or independently derivable algorithm. (A different professor I had pointed to Dijkstra as an advantage of being early on in a new field: if you are, you can name all the “obvious” results after yourself!) I wouldn’t say this is an obvious algorithm, but the idea that you “update your neighbors” when you receive new information is something that is worth getting a measurement on, interview-ish speaking.

Glad to finally get another graph algorithm on the books. The others are here.

Two Sum (Leetcode)

This is the classic, literally Leetcode question 1. It’s an OK question. It admits a “naive” solution of try-every-pair, and also enables some deeper thought. I don’t have a good read on whether that deeper thought should be considered expected in an interview setting.

Naive Solution

The naive solution is try-every-pair. This is an accessible example of a concept I like, where we have the explicit object (in our case, an array), but we’re really exploring an implicit object (in our case, a sequence of pairs of elements, those elements drawn from an array). We can be careful about precisely which pairs we’re exploring.

class Solution:
    def twoSum(self, nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            for j in range(len(nums)):
                if i == j:
                if nums[i]+nums[j] == target:
                    return [i, j]

Not-Better Solution

The interesting thing is how to derive the better solution. Let’s formulate it in terms of the condition we “care” about, nums[i]+nums[j] == target. With arithmetic, we can say that’s the same condition as: nums[i] == target – nums[j], (we subtracted nums[j] from each side).

So we can derive a new sequence, diffNums, where we assign diffNums[j] = target – nums[j]. Now what would our loop look like?

class Solution(object):
    def twoSum(self, nums, target):
        diffNums = [target-nums[i] for i in range(len(nums))]
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            for j in range(len(nums)):
                if i == j:
                if nums[i] == diffNums[j]:
                    return [i, j]

This is not faster by any measure: asymptotically it’s still O(n^2), and now we have an extra intermediate array diffNums to instantiate. Sure enough, it’s too slow for Leetcode, haha.

However, a careful look at our condition now is enticing: we’re “just” seeing if the collection nums has any element in common with the collection diffNums. That’s set-membership! So let’s recast things:

Faster Solution

We ultimately need to return the indices. So let’s have diffNums be a mapping from target-nums[i] : i.

class Solution(object):
    def twoSum(self, nums, target):
        diffNums = {target-nums[i] : i for i in range(len(nums))}
        for i in range(len(nums)):
            v = nums[i]
            if v in diffNums and i != diffNums[v]:
                return [i, diffNums[v]]

A lot has changed! Crucially, we have the if v in diffNums condition: that captures the whole inner for-loop! Even better, because diffNums is a map, we can expect that lookup to be roughly constant time, instead of linear. This brings our algorithm down to roughly-linear time. (Note that diffNums[v] is basically j in this loop.)


This problem grew on me, in terms of introducing some intermediate programming thoughts. I think if we have to use this an interview question, assuming the candidate is stuck on getting the faster solution, I’d prompt them to that not-better solution and see where they take it. More introductory questions here.

Permutation Sequence (Leetcode)

I’ve decided to call this permutation sequence question a “classic problem” because it is I think a very reasonable combinatorics/counting question. Also, the problem is marked as a “Leetcode Hard”, so I figure I should get one of those on this blog before too long.

Discussion and Approach to Solution

As a change of pace, I tried to see what it would be like to make a “literate code” approach. This, uh, didn’t work. I ended up with a block comment above the code, so I’ve extracted that out here:

for [1, 2, 3, 4], we have 3! sequences that begin with 1, 3! that begin with 2, etc… so we end up with 4 * 3! = 4!, that checks out. So in general, if we have a size-n set, there are n! distinct values, and the first (n-1)! begin with 1, then the next (n-1)! begin with 2, etc. This reasoning applies recursively. So we want to find the highest “m” in [1, n] such that (m-1)(n-1)! < k (or equiv, the smallest m such that m(n-1)! >= k. Maybe that’s a better formulation). Note the “punning” between m as an element of the remaining set, and n as the count of elements left in the set. In turn, m is the index of the m’th largest element, not literally the value m.

So that’s a terse comment. To take a step back:

If we consider the n! possible permutations of [1..n], in lexicographical order, the first (n-1)! begin with 1, the next (n-1)! begin with 2, and so on. This leads to n sub-sequences of length (n-1)!, and we can be confident that the concatenation of these sequences gives us the original sequence back, as there are n*(n-1)!=n! elements altogether.

This suggests an analogy to digits (if we consider the sequence [0..999], the first 100 “begin” with 0, the next 100 begin with 1, and so for 10 times, leading to 100*10 = 1000 elements). We can repeat this recursively, for the sequence [0..99] there are again 10 sub-sequences. Unspooling the recursive reasoning, it means we can “index” into that sequence by looking at successively-lower-magnitude digits. This feels like a no-op because it’s sort of what we already do with normal indexing.

With this factorial-esque indexing, there are n biggest-“digit” sequences, then n-1 next-digit-sequences, and so on. The formulation in the code below is not explicitly recursive, but instead currentIndex is basically, well, the index of the implicit sequence of [result + start]. And we select certain elements from start to “increment” our currentIndex.


class Solution(object):
    def getPermutation(self, n, k):
        # for [1, 2, 3, 4], we have 3! sequences that begin with 1, 3! that begin with 2, etc...
        # so we end up with 4 * 3! = 4!, that checks out.
        # So in general, if we have a size-n set, there are n! distinct values,
        # and the first (n-1)! begin with 1, then the next (n-1)! begin with 2, etc.
        # This reasoning applies recursively.
        # So we want to find the highest "m" in [1, n] such that (m-1)(n-1)! < k
        # (or equiv, the smallest m such that m(n-1)! >= k. Maybe that's a better formulation).
        # Note the "punning" between m as an element of the remaining set, and n as the *count*
        # of elements left in the set. In turn, m is the *index* of the m'th largest element, not
        # literally the value m.
        def fact(n):
            res = 1
            for i in range(1, n):
                res *= i
            return res
        result = []
        start = list([i for i in range(1, n+1)])
        currentIndex = 1
        while currentIndex != k:
            # find the smallest m. Careful reasoning about indexing
            # to avoid off-by-one errors (1-indexed the range of permutations,
            # but m itself should be zero-indexed as it goes into `start`)
            incrementN = fact(len(start))
            m = -1
            for m in range(len(start)):
                # My one bug: I left out the "currentIndex + " part, which lead
                # to an interesting behavior: n=5, k=1 and n=5, k=120 both passed without this!
                if currentIndex + (m*incrementN) > k:
                    m -= 1
            # remove m from start, we've selected it
            assert(m >= 0 and m < len(start))
            currentIndex += m*incrementN
        # At this point we know we should emit the "0th" remaining permutation.
        # Some subtlety in making sure we're appending to result in the same "direction"
        # as done in the while loop
        result += start
        return ''.join(map(str, result))

Discussion as an interview question

This is a hard-core question about recursive reasoning. I’m not sure about its appropriateness. As notes for my own attempt, while I didn’t recall my approach I did actually implement this code a long, long time ago, and in a previous form of this blog talked about the general approach. You can see my older implementation (when I was literally studying enumerations) is much better. So in revisiting this I was able to recall the broad strokes of a way that would work, and then take it from there.

Discussion general

This is a really neat computer science problem! I have a soft spot for enumeration problems, and have enjoyed jumping into Knuth 4A a few times particularly for Gray codes. I have dreams of using those to help provide exhaustive test suites for other combinatoric algorithms, but I just don’t have the time. There is a lot of depth to this topic I’m not familiar with; reconciling my “analogy” with the more in-depth treatment of Factorial Number Systems is something I should do one day.

More recursive problems (which I guess will include enumeration problems?) here.

Max Consecutive Ones (Leetcode)

I think this is an interesting loop, and a nice intro question to people still getting their feet wet with programming and algorithmic thinking. It’s a sort of scan problem.


class Solution:
    def findMaxConsecutiveOnes(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        m = 0
        c = 0
        for n in nums:
            if n == 1:
                c += 1
                m = max(m, c)
                c = 0
        return m

The sort of “invariants” you have to maintain, or the general idea of the state-of-our-scanner (slightly) evolving as we see different values, is a good muscle to build.

More interesting loops here.

Intersection of Two Arrays (Leetcode)

Another from the archives. This is actually something I like as an interview question, so I suppose maybe that means I should change my interview question. I suppose candidates need to know what a set is, but given the domains I work in I think that’s a fair requirement. This question is to take two arrays of integers, and return their set-intersection.

I think a very reasonable approach is to immediately sort the input. After that, as we build the result vector, we can think about the invariants that are maintained: the result vector is in sorted order, and so the “unique-ification” we need to do can follow naturally from that.

Nevermind also the invariants that guide the overall merge-sort-esque loop iterations. We can reason about how we make forward progress.

Code Solution

class Solution {
    vector<int> intersection(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
        sort(begin(nums1), end(nums1));
        sort(begin(nums2), end(nums2));
        vector<int> result;
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        while (i < nums1.size() && j < nums2.size()) {
            if (nums1[i] == nums2[j]) {
                if (result.size() == 0) result.push_back(nums1[i]);
                else if (*(result.rbegin()) != nums1[i]) result.push_back(nums1[i]);
            else if (nums1[i] < nums2[j]) i++;
            else j++;
        return result;


I think some reasonable extensions are: what if the vector-of-ints is sort of a set datatype with certain invariants (e.g., that the contents are always sorted). This suggests the results should also be sorted, but we sort of get that “for free” with the natural approach. I like discussing possible trade-offs of performance depending on the input size.

This is, in my opinion, a nice exercise on loops and arrays. More can be found here.

Jewels and Stones (Leetcode)

The hardest part of this question for me was the phrasing. However, I do sort of like this question: hopefully the student will realize they need to repeatedly check the string (set) of jewels, as they iterate over their stones. I don’t know how I feel about the fact that we’re using strings as sets, basically. It does happen in the real world.

Again, from the archives. This is me having too much fun with C++-isms. You can see my inline notes about other approaches.

class Solution {
    int numJewelsInStones(string J, string S) {
        // let's do this very simply, no helper objects.
        int jewelCount = 0;
        for (auto&& stone : S) {
            if (std::find(std::begin(J), std::end(J), stone) != std::end(J))
        // We can do lots of things, really. We should cache J into a set, perhaps, and
        // then can just do a fancier std::algorithms (for_each) sort of thing, if that
        // strikes our fancy. filter etc.
        return jewelCount;

We may even be able to collapse the outer for-loop into a count_if call or something… but that’s probably too clever. Who knows.

I guess this is a strings question? Even though it’s really treating strings as a set.

Sort Array By Parity 2 (Leetcode)

We’ve been here before. Quite explicitly in fact, this question is obviously marked as a sequel.

This really drills into the idea of thinking about values versus indices. I think that’s something my students would get a lot out of. As mentioned in my comments, I feel like the term “sort” here is a bit deceptive. I would call this more like merging or partitioning, a helper function within a sort function. “Classify” by party? “Cubbyhole” by parity?

class Solution {
    // Helpers inspired by commented out block in the main function.
    // This sort of "given the index, find the next valid index" pattern
    // is quite common. This is inclusive -- we can return start.
    // Yes I can have them share a function with lamdbads or whatever,
    // but let's not overcomplicate implementation.
    int nextEvenIndex(vector<int>& A, int start) {
        assert(start % 2 == 0);
        for (; start < A.size(); start += 2) {
            if (A[start] % 2) return start;
        return -1;
    int nextOddIndex(vector<int>& A, int start) {
        assert(start % 2);
        for (; start < A.size(); start += 2) {
            if (A[start] % 2 == 0) return start;
        return -1;
    vector<int> sortArrayByParityII(vector<int>& A) {
        // One of the quadratic sorts? This is almost more like merging or pivoting, than
        // sorting. The name feels deceptive :).
        // initialize i as the first even index to swap;
        int i = nextEvenIndex(A, 0);
        // j as the first odd index to swap;
        int j = nextOddIndex(A, 1);
        while (i != -1) {
            assert(j != -1);
            swap(A[i], A[j]);
            i = nextEvenIndex(A, i); // we should be able to get past i here, as it's now legal.
            j = nextOddIndex(A, j); // ditto
        assert(i == -1 && j == -1); // we should both be done here.
        return A;


  • You can definitely see my merge-friendly perspective influencing my approach.
  • I really like drilling into these loops where the index variables aren’t necessarily always incremented by a constant, as is here.
  • I like how this has the implicit sub-arrays inside the main array.
  • Avoiding a new allocation is a nice extended requirement, I think.

I think this is an obviously-contrived interview question, but it exercises nice things and the question (while a bit detailed) isn’t tricky. It’s very clear what a successful output should look like, or at least clear enough.

Split Linked List In Parts (Leetcode)

This question feels a bit contrived, but a way to explore a lot of challenges with linked lists. I have an answer to this in my archive.

So, full disclosure: most of my archive is actually in C++, rather than the more approachable Python or (occasionally, for my students) Javascript. I think I do have a few earlier solutions in C++, but this is the first “big” one, I guess? Previously I’ve also been translating my archive, but as my external obligations are increasing I have to drop some features. So this is in C++. Also from the archive: a lot of my notes were intentionally embedded in comments.

class Solution {
    // it seems we need to know the length, to begin with.
    // and then we do an interesting partition sort of algorithm.
    // the value of the LL nodes play no part in this?
    // Sure...
    int len(ListNode* r) {
        int l = 0;
        while (r) {
            r = r->next;
        return l;
    // OK, and then we divide things into K.
    // Ah that things differ by less than 1 is sort of an interesting constraint.
    // So if k > l, that's sort of easy: we know we need length 1.
    // if k < l < 2k, then we know we'll have a few length-2, and the rest length 1.
    // So this suggests some kind of modulo. k > 0, so that's safe.
    // l / k is the length of the shorter lists.
    // l % k is how many lists need one more.
    // This feels like an obsfucated remainder check. But actually it's OK. I kind of like
    // this partition problem.
    ListNode* peel(ListNode** root, int l) {
        // forgot a deref!
        if (!(*root)) return nullptr; // assert l == 1?
        ListNode* p = *root;
        ListNode* t = *root;
        // Here I'm being a bit risky. Not sure if there's a weird case
        // where if we improperly peel we'll null-deref. I think if everything
        // goes right we'll only ever be "off by one", which is effectively
        // captured by our basecase there.
        // In other words, this is not a very robust peel! Relies on qualities
        // of the list guaranteed by the caller.
        for (int i = 0; i < l-1; ++i) {
            t = t->next;
        *root = t->next;
        t->next = nullptr;
        return p;
    vector<ListNode*> splitListToParts(ListNode* root, int k) {
        const int l = len(root);
        int shortLength = l / k;
        int listsWithExtras = l % k;
        // next up: helper function "peel";
        vector<ListNode*> result;
        ListNode* r = root;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
            int n = shortLength;
            if (i < listsWithExtras) {
            result.push_back(peel(&r, n));
        return result;


A few notable things:

  • The len helper, it seems to be required? It’s unfortunate that we can’t do this online.
  • I’m having second thoughts about my implementation of “peel”. I think I can avoid the pointer-to-pointer, though for C that’s not a huge deal. Maybe inlining the function would make that clearer.
  • You can see my careful-ish reasoning about how to calculate each peel length, I think that’s an interesting comment.

As always, all linked list things are collected here.

Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation (Leetcode 37)

This was a homework assignment in my intro-to-data-structures-and-algorithms course. Evaluating an expression in this way is a good exercise. While it’s not literally recursion, I’ve tagged it as such because it uses those ideas. (And there doesn’t seem to be a better category.) These sort of questions, I think, are to Leetcode’s merit: a student (assuming they don’t cheat, of course) can really use this to test their understanding.

Having already known the answer, and not yet subjecting any of my students to this, it’s hard for me to anticipate what the tricky parts of this question are. I assume the key insight is that you can push (what Python calls append) the intermediate values back on the stack and it “just works”. Maybe that follows from reading carefully what RPN is?

The motivation for this problem is that it’s an easy calculator to make, and compilers.

class Solution:
    def isOp(self, s):
        return s in ['+', '-', '*', '/']
    def evalRPN(self, tokens: List[str]) -> int:
        stack = []
        for t in tokens:
            if self.isOp(t):
                r = stack.pop()
                l = stack.pop()
                if t == '+': x = l + r
                elif t == '-': x = l - r
                elif t == '*': x = l * r
                elif t == '/': x = int(l / r)
        return stack[0]


Is this a good interview question? I don’t know. At a big meeting about interview questions, a work colleague said that they always ask this one as their standard interview question. So that’s one vote! I don’t think there’s trickiness per-se, and I think the parsing and case-handling here is an interesting and good exercise.

I am in parallel trying to build a collection of “classic” problems for students, under this tag.

Tic-Tac-Toe Checker (Code Wars 27)

On a personal note, this question is actually one of the first interview questions I had to work through for a college internship at a giant tech company. It could have gone better; I got the internship anyways. So let’s see if I can redeem myself. I’m going to try to solve it “live”.


I know (from many years ago, and hopefully also many more years of experience) that I want to do nice-and-simple helper functions. So things like “columnWins”, “rowWins”, etc. Well, I know that Python is friendly enough where I just made a generic helper that would say which, if any, player won any length-3 sequence of values. Then I simply iterated over all relevant length-3 sequences. It’s not a small amount of code.

I had a few typos I fixed up. There are inefficiencies and redundancies, nevermind the allocations, but it’s straightforward and readable enough. The other python solutions, those that won as “best practices”, are a bit more explicit about it being a 3×3 matrix.

def seq_wins(seq):
    assert(len(seq) == 3)
    V = seq[0]
    if V == 0: return 0
    for v in seq[1:]:
        if v != V:
            return 0
    return V
def is_solved(board):
    # Check rows:
    for r in board:
        w = seq_wins(r)
        if w != 0:
            return w
    # Check columns
    for c in range(3):
        col = []
        for r in board:
        w = seq_wins(col)
        if w != 0:
            return w
    # Check diagonals
    d1 = []
    d2 = []
    for i in range(3):
    w = seq_wins(d1)
    if w != 0:
        return w
    w = seq_wins(d2)
    if w != 0:
        return w

    for r in board:
        for v in r:
            if v == 0:
                return -1
    return 0


I like this question as an interview question, actually. The reasoning-by-cases is nice and comes up in the real world. Sure, 2D arrays aren’t very common in my experience, but as a proxy for indexing into a nontrivial data structure, it’s a good one. I think a natural approach (obviously, given my own approach) is to make a helper function, either explicitly or at least implicitly, and seeing how a candidate thinks to draw the line of where/how to make a helper function can be a good insight into their views.