Tag Archives: bitwise

Displaying Sum in Binary (Code Wars 3)

Here is the next codewars problem. It’s a bit strange: you get two “normal” numbers, and then you need to return their sum as a binary string. Adding two numbers is pretty straightforward in this case: you use the +, to be humorous about this.

Already you can see we have another case of bitwise manipulation! We can use the same trick, again, to iterate through all the bits in our sum and add them to a string.

I had a bug! First, here is the (validated) solution:

def add_binary(a,b):
    assert(a >= 0 and b >= 0)
    s = a + b
    result = []
    while s > 0:
        oldS = s
        result.append(str(s % 2))
        s = s // 2
    result = ''.join(reversed(result))
    return result

Let’s focus on the positives.

  1. The assert on line 2 is my own sanity-checking. Things can get funny in this question if a or b can be negative.
  2. You can barely see where the sum happens in this question: line 3. After that, you can see we completely ignore a, b.
  3. This has a fun combination of the previous 2 questions we talked about. We build up our string as a list of strings (each element in that list is either the string “0” or “1”) and join that list over the empty string. Just as we saw ‘ ‘.join(…) in the previous question, how it combined all the elements into a string, separating each element by ‘ ‘, this combines all elements in our list as a string, separated by , i.e., separated by nothing.
  4. We determine the “next” bit of s with s % 2, just like before. A big change (and this is where the bug is) is on line 8. Previously, we did s = int(s/2), and my initial implementation had that as well. In tests with extremely large integers, that method failed. Let’s discussion why.

The Bug

This is a somewhat advanced bug. Truth be told, if a beginner programmer (esp. from a bootcamp) hit this issue, I’m not sure if they’d have the context to address it. Here’s what happens:

  1. Python distinguishes between integers, which are whole numbers, and floats, which are numbers that can have a decimal point. Adding two integers always gives you the answer you’d expect, so integers are simple. Floating point numbers ultimately have to round (similar to how, with 0.333333333…, eventually you have to decide when to stop writing 3s!).
  2. In our code, s is an integer, except when it’s being divided by 2. Python will automatically convert it into a float. That is why we immediately turn it back into an integer, with int(s/2). This gives the effect of “chopping off” anything after the decimal point, which is what we want. (We’d expect the decimal to either be .0, when s was previously even, or 0.5, when s was previously odd.)
  3. However, that rounding that we have to do with floating-point-numbers doesn’t just happen after the decimal point. For very large numbers, the rounding can happen in the thousandth’s place, or similar (so rather than a big number ending with 124,325.0, it would look like 124,000.0). This truncation is too aggressive!
  4. So the bug manifested that we were outputting a binary number with just a long string of 0s at the end, when it should have been a mix of 0s and 1s.
  5. The fix was me searching around online until I found out how to do truncating-integer-division in Python. That avoids converting the integer into a double, and therefore we never introduce that inadvertent rounding, and we get the right answer!