Capitalizing Words (Code Wars 2)

Here is a small string exercise. The tools it asks the student to exercise are common and worth learning. The teasing nature of the question, however light-hearted, is not something I recommend.

Let’s see if we can iteratively digest a plain-English description of what we want to do into computer code.

Clarified Instructions

  1. We want to capitalize every word in that sentence.
  2. We want to take a sentence, go through every word, capitalize it, and return the result.
  3. Given a sentence, for each word in that sentence, capitalize that word, and return the result.

We can continue to “massage” the description in this way, but I think we’re at a point where we can consider psuedocode.

def to_jaden_case(string):
    result = ""
    for each word in string:
        capWord = capitalized(word)
        result += capWord
    return result

This won’t work, but it gets us closer. What’s missing?

Psuedocode to Real Code

  1. Line 4 isn’t real python. How do we “say” the equivalent of “for each word in string“?
  2. The function capitalized doesn’t exist. What should we do there?
  3. The subtlest issue is that we are adding words back into result, but we aren’t adding any whitespace. As it’s written this suggests our result will be like HowCanMirrors…, which is not right.

We can address each of these in turn.

  1. A very common string method is to split a string, or sometimes it’s called tokenizing a string. It breaks a string up into an array of strings, usually over whitespace. So, we can write “for word in string.split()”, and that’ll be what we want!
  2. We can write the function capitalized! Languages typically provide a way of capitalizing a single character. How to build or change strings varies a lot based on language, so that can vary, but in a human-conversation interview I think it’d be reasonable to leave that as an unimplemented helper function (at least, lower-to-upper for a single character).
  3. Lastly, there are a few options to recombine the words while still keeping (or regenerating) the right whitespace. I’ll present the one you should hope to use, but you may need to do an old-fashioned one involving lower-level operations like string concatenation.

def capitalized(word):
    word0 = word[0].upper()
    return word0 + word[1:]
def to_jaden_case(string):
    result = []
    for word in string.split():
    return ' '.join(result)


We changed result from a string in our psuedocode into a list. Why is that? A common string tool is the join method. Just as we split a string into an array of words using split, we can join an array of words back into a string with the join method. The object join is called with, in this case the whitespace string ‘ ‘, is the value that will go between each word.

While this question is very different from the previous one, it has the same skeleton: we iterate through a value (a number, or a string) in a somewhat unusual way (by-bit, by-word), do something with it (add it if it’s 1, capitalize it and add it to our result), and return that sort of “summary” value. This sort of skeleton is extremely common. Some may say the first problem’s solution was very different because it used a while loop. I would disagree!

This question was a nice exercise in lots of useful “vocabulary” for manipulating strings. All the solved string questions on this site are collected here.

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