Find the Duplicate Number (Leetcode)

This is a reasonable warm-up question I think, but the performance-related requirement (constant space) is silly. Reading the editorial, well, I have thoughts to share. This is from the archives.

Using this as a warm-up question

class Solution:
    def findDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        seen = set([])
        for n in nums:
            if n in seen: return n

This presents an approachable-enough setting to discuss performance, and I think things like “find the duplicates” are related to real-world questions. Moreover, there are ready sequels: OK, if they use this “hash table approach”, what about one that can take more time, but less space?

class Solution:
    def findDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        prev = None
        for n in sorted(nums):
            if prev is None:
                prev = n
            elif prev == n:
                return n
            prev = n

Considering The Leetcode Discussion

The leetcode “editorial” (at least as of June 2023) presents 7 different approaches for the problem. Here are some of my reactions to the editorial. This is my experimental foray into providing a criticism to, what I think is the typical leetcode perspective on questions. I’m not meaning to pick on this particular question.

  • “[The problem] is a classic problem” — I’m not sure in what domain this question is a classic. Deduplication in general is very useful, but the particular of this question don’t strike me as something classic. Maybe it’s a common interview question for a certain company? I wish leetcode questions placed their evaluations in more context. It gives the air of secret knowledge (“oh, this is a classic question, and I didn’t know that!”) when I think they’re just… making things up.
  • Approach 3, in which they borrow a bit from each element in the array (and use the range-trick) they say is O(1) space. In practical terms, sure, but what if the array is, say, unsigned shorts and the size of 2^16? You have no bits to borrow; that’s just an example where this is sort of “punning” between theoretical concerns (asymptotic analysis of resource usage) versus practical concerns. Both are fine, but mixing them leads to confusion.
  • The other approaches are fun things to learn, but all (including approach 3) really rely on the particular structure of the input. It’s just unsatisfying.