Max Consecutive Ones (Leetcode)

I think this is an interesting loop, and a nice intro question to people still getting their feet wet with programming and algorithmic thinking. It’s a sort of scan problem.


class Solution:
    def findMaxConsecutiveOnes(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        m = 0
        c = 0
        for n in nums:
            if n == 1:
                c += 1
                m = max(m, c)
                c = 0
        return m

The sort of “invariants” you have to maintain, or the general idea of the state-of-our-scanner (slightly) evolving as we see different values, is a good muscle to build.

More interesting loops here.

Single Number (Leetcode)

I don’t like this one. Let’s discuss two solutions:

Natural Solution

Here’s a natural-enough solution in Python. Observe how we use a “counter” object; that’s basically a hashmap, which is a fine-enough solution as well in my opinion. This is, in my opinion, the “right” solution.

class Solution:
    def singleNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        counter = collections.Counter()
        for n in nums:
            counter[n] += 1
        for n in counter:
            if counter[n] == 1: return n
        # return None, assert. 

This is “inefficient”, in the sense that we’re using O(n) space and a bit more than O(n) time (I’m a pedant about hashmap time). However, it solves the general problem of “what’s the unique element in this sequence”. That problem isn’t super-common, but it’s not way-out-there.

Desired Solution

But! They want constant space and linear time. This is a nice enough “think outside the box” thing, but it’s so obviously fishing for a trick after-the-fact. It’s a tail-wagging-the-dog sort of situation, where someone obviously observed an interesting trick, and then constructed a question that can only be reasonably answered with that trick. What’s the trick? It involves XOR identities.

class Solution:
    def singleNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        return reduce(lambda a, b: a ^ b, nums)

Ooooh. The observation is that for XOR operation (the ^ operator):

  • a^a = 0
  • a^0 = a
  • And everything commutes

So a sequence like a^a^b^b^c = c, because we end up with 0^0^c=c. That’s neat, but extremely dependent on the idea that the sequence contains an even number of every element, except one, which exists an odd number of times. I suppose it’s neat to keep the “flexibility” of thinking of array contents as values (as we do in the typical solution) and bit-sequences, but it’s really a fishing sort of question.

I’d do this for fun (I did do this for fun), but I’d suggest avoiding it except to show a neat consequence of XOR identities in a classroom. More bit manipulation questions here.

Intersection of Two Arrays (Leetcode)

Another from the archives. This is actually something I like as an interview question, so I suppose maybe that means I should change my interview question. I suppose candidates need to know what a set is, but given the domains I work in I think that’s a fair requirement. This question is to take two arrays of integers, and return their set-intersection.

I think a very reasonable approach is to immediately sort the input. After that, as we build the result vector, we can think about the invariants that are maintained: the result vector is in sorted order, and so the “unique-ification” we need to do can follow naturally from that.

Nevermind also the invariants that guide the overall merge-sort-esque loop iterations. We can reason about how we make forward progress.

Code Solution

class Solution {
    vector<int> intersection(vector<int>& nums1, vector<int>& nums2) {
        sort(begin(nums1), end(nums1));
        sort(begin(nums2), end(nums2));
        vector<int> result;
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        while (i < nums1.size() && j < nums2.size()) {
            if (nums1[i] == nums2[j]) {
                if (result.size() == 0) result.push_back(nums1[i]);
                else if (*(result.rbegin()) != nums1[i]) result.push_back(nums1[i]);
            else if (nums1[i] < nums2[j]) i++;
            else j++;
        return result;


I think some reasonable extensions are: what if the vector-of-ints is sort of a set datatype with certain invariants (e.g., that the contents are always sorted). This suggests the results should also be sorted, but we sort of get that “for free” with the natural approach. I like discussing possible trade-offs of performance depending on the input size.

This is, in my opinion, a nice exercise on loops and arrays. More can be found here.

Longest Increasing Subsequence (Leetcode Dynamic Programming Study Plan)

This is a truly classic problem. The opener in one of the big algorithms textbooks on dynamic programming, I’m glad it’s included in the dynamic programming study plan. I bet there is an even prettier way of writing this code, but here is the solution I have:

class Solution:
    def lengthOfLIS(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        if len(nums) == 0: return 0
        T = [1] # the first thing is always a sequence
        for i in range(1, len(nums)):
            best = 1
            for j in range(i):
                if nums[j] < nums[i]:
                    best = max(best, T[j]+1)
        return max(T)


T[i] is the length of the longest increasing subsequence that has to include the i’th element in nums. Compare to the recurrence in the previous question we discussed; there are similarities, but the big difference here is that our solution at i can build off of any previous solution that ends with a value smaller than ours, versus our solution having to be just contiguous with the previous solution.

So in more depth:

  1. T[i] is the length of the longest increasing subsequence of nums[:i+1] that include nums[i]. Taking the max of this array will find the solution.
  2. T[i] is computed via that append call, so we append the best value. We consider all values in T[:i] — recall T[j] is the length of the longest subsequence ending with nums[j]. If nums[j] < nums[i], we can “continue” that subsequence with nums[i], and so increase its length by 1.
  3. Through the “magic of recursion”, we are able to kick-start this process by defining T up to T[:1], i.e., T = [1].

The Dasgupta algorithm book explains this in a very graph-theoretic way, which I appreciate but is also kind of a lot.

See here for more dynamic programming problems and solution.

Maximum Subarray (Leetcode Dynamic Programming Study Plan)

How much of this question is carefuly application of arithmetic laws? Computing the maximum subarray seems like a simpler form of the classic longest increasing subsequence, but with fewer edges in the graph and a more “monotonic” (?) recurrence.

class Solution:
    def maxSubArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        T = [nums[0]]
        for i in range(1, len(nums)):
            T.append(max(nums[i], nums[i]+T[i-1]))
        return max(T)


The recurrence, such that it is, is that T[i] is the maximum sum of the array nums[:i+1] (to use slice syntax) that must use i. As in other questions, we’re embedding a decision in our recurrence. That would explain how the final max(T) works.

The big question is how does the for loop maintain the recurrence? How do we know that T was computed correctly? I don’t have a formal write-up, but to me the intuition follows from:

  1. If any prefix is >0, then it’s worth including that prefix.
  2. If any prefix is <= 0, then it’s not worth including it.

Distinct from the classic problem of longest-increasing-subsequence, we are only allowed to make limited choices, here: we can either attach ourselves to an existing sub-array, or start a new sub-array. If the existing sub-array has a positive influence (turn of phrase), then we might as well jump aboard. The choices are “simple”, in that sense.

This is included with all the other dynamic programming questions listed here.

Is Graph Bipartite? (Leetcode)

Another classic question, and another from the archives. This one’s nice enough where I took a stab at it in Python for readability.

class Solution(object):
    def isBipartite(self, graph):
        color = {}
        wl = []
        for x, ns in enumerate(graph):
            if x in color: continue
            wl = [x]
            color[x] = 1
            while wl:
                u = wl.pop()
                for w in graph[u]:
                    if w in color and color[w] == color[u]: return False
                    if w not in color:
                        color[w] = 1 - color[u]
        return True


  • The 1 - color[u] trick is handy. It’s a quick way to have 2 options, sort of like not‘ing a boolean variable. Something to teach new people.
  • I think there is the possibility that many of the same node is added to wl. I think I need another seen set to make sure we’re not iterating too often. Well, it passed.
  • The outermost loop is always a bit annoying: it’d be nice to promise that the graph is always connected. It’s good to know how to handle that situation, so I suppose that’s OK.
  • The term color here is because a bipartite graph is the same as a 2-colorable graph. Graph-coloring is a core combinatoric question. This solution overall follows from the observation that “if U is on the left, then all neighbors of U must be on the right, and vice-versa”. Instead of left/right, we use 2 colors (which in this case are… integers).
  • This is basically an extension of DFS. There is probably an opportunity for more cleverness.

Finally, a graph algorithm! More to come, I imagine. They’re all collected here.

Reverse a Linked List (Leetcode)

It’s time. It’s obvious I have a lot of linked questions, and here’s the classic. At least when I was an intern way-back-when, this was a cliche “overdone and inappropriate interview question”. It’s a nice exercise on thinking about linked lists, but unless your job requires it (my first job did!) I understand it feels a bit esoteric. Still, I like it.

Iterative Solution

class Solution(object):
    def reverseList(self, head):
        tail = None
        while head:
            n = head
            head =
   = tail
            tail = n
        return tail

Recursive Solution

class Solution(object):
    def reverseList(self, head):
        if head is None:
            return None
        if is None:
            return head
        newTail = head
        head = = None
        res = self.reverseList(head) = newTail
        return res


I’m open to being wrong, but it seems that the iterative solution is nicer than the recursive one? Some of the pointer “faith”, in particular that head points to the tail of the reversed sub-list (penultimate line), is a bit much. With pointers that’d be a lot clearer I think, but Python’s references make it a bit fuzzier for me.

If anything, I think the reasoning about how the iterative solution works is very recursive-feeling. Or at least a nice application of loop invariants.

This question covers a lot! More linked list questions are here.

To Lower Case (Leetcode)

From the archives. A challenge with this is (I think?) Javascript overloads their tolower equivalent to take either strings or characters. This is more testing familiarity with language features (do you do this, or do you use ASCII tables — which I guess isn’t unicode-friendly — or something else?) than anything else. Not a terrible question, just a correct answer doesn’t say much about the candidate/student.

class Solution {
    string toLowerCase(string str) {
        string v;
        for (auto&& c : str) {
        return v;
        // Maybe this is an excuse for some sanity checking, as well as destroying the input parameter,
        // etc.

Nevertheless, it’s a string question, so it lives here.

Jewels and Stones (Leetcode)

The hardest part of this question for me was the phrasing. However, I do sort of like this question: hopefully the student will realize they need to repeatedly check the string (set) of jewels, as they iterate over their stones. I don’t know how I feel about the fact that we’re using strings as sets, basically. It does happen in the real world.

Again, from the archives. This is me having too much fun with C++-isms. You can see my inline notes about other approaches.

class Solution {
    int numJewelsInStones(string J, string S) {
        // let's do this very simply, no helper objects.
        int jewelCount = 0;
        for (auto&& stone : S) {
            if (std::find(std::begin(J), std::end(J), stone) != std::end(J))
        // We can do lots of things, really. We should cache J into a set, perhaps, and
        // then can just do a fancier std::algorithms (for_each) sort of thing, if that
        // strikes our fancy. filter etc.
        return jewelCount;

We may even be able to collapse the outer for-loop into a count_if call or something… but that’s probably too clever. Who knows.

I guess this is a strings question? Even though it’s really treating strings as a set.

Counting Bits (Leetcode)

Another from the archives! I had a lot of fun with this one. Would others? I don’t know! We can use a sort-of dynamic programming approach (maybe this is a good replacement for that frustrating “Fib” standard warmup?) to avoid calling popcount over and over again. Not sure what’s actually faster on hardware, but I like the principle here.

This is a good algorithmic-thinking question, I think. Requires some fluency with bit manipulation, though.

class Solution {
    vector<int> countBits(int num) {
        if (num == 0) { return {0}; }
        if (num == 1) { return {0, 1}; }
        if (num == 2) { return {0, 1, 1}; }
        vector<int> res(num+1);
        res[0] = 0;
        res[1] = 1;
        for (int i = 2; i <= num; ++i) {
            const int lastBit = i % 2;
            res[i] = res[i/2] + lastBit;
        return res;


Additional implementation details? I don’t know. I found it reassuring that the length of the output is required to be num, because there’s always that potential psuedopolynomial trap. Fixing the output size (versus, say, we’d have to return the total numbers of 1s or something) helps make it unambiguous that we’d at least be able to iterate through all inputs.

Other bit-manipulating questions are collected here. Other dynamic-programming questions are collected here.