Split Linked List In Parts (Leetcode)

This question feels a bit contrived, but a way to explore a lot of challenges with linked lists. I have an answer to this in my archive.

So, full disclosure: most of my archive is actually in C++, rather than the more approachable Python or (occasionally, for my students) Javascript. I think I do have a few earlier solutions in C++, but this is the first “big” one, I guess? Previously I’ve also been translating my archive, but as my external obligations are increasing I have to drop some features. So this is in C++. Also from the archive: a lot of my notes were intentionally embedded in comments.

class Solution {
    // it seems we need to know the length, to begin with.
    // and then we do an interesting partition sort of algorithm.
    // the value of the LL nodes play no part in this?
    // Sure...
    int len(ListNode* r) {
        int l = 0;
        while (r) {
            r = r->next;
        return l;
    // OK, and then we divide things into K.
    // Ah that things differ by less than 1 is sort of an interesting constraint.
    // So if k > l, that's sort of easy: we know we need length 1.
    // if k < l < 2k, then we know we'll have a few length-2, and the rest length 1.
    // So this suggests some kind of modulo. k > 0, so that's safe.
    // l / k is the length of the shorter lists.
    // l % k is how many lists need one more.
    // This feels like an obsfucated remainder check. But actually it's OK. I kind of like
    // this partition problem.
    ListNode* peel(ListNode** root, int l) {
        // forgot a deref!
        if (!(*root)) return nullptr; // assert l == 1?
        ListNode* p = *root;
        ListNode* t = *root;
        // Here I'm being a bit risky. Not sure if there's a weird case
        // where if we improperly peel we'll null-deref. I think if everything
        // goes right we'll only ever be "off by one", which is effectively
        // captured by our basecase there.
        // In other words, this is not a very robust peel! Relies on qualities
        // of the list guaranteed by the caller.
        for (int i = 0; i < l-1; ++i) {
            t = t->next;
        *root = t->next;
        t->next = nullptr;
        return p;
    vector<ListNode*> splitListToParts(ListNode* root, int k) {
        const int l = len(root);
        int shortLength = l / k;
        int listsWithExtras = l % k;
        // next up: helper function "peel";
        vector<ListNode*> result;
        ListNode* r = root;
        for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
            int n = shortLength;
            if (i < listsWithExtras) {
            result.push_back(peel(&r, n));
        return result;


A few notable things:

  • The len helper, it seems to be required? It’s unfortunate that we can’t do this online.
  • I’m having second thoughts about my implementation of “peel”. I think I can avoid the pointer-to-pointer, though for C that’s not a huge deal. Maybe inlining the function would make that clearer.
  • You can see my careful-ish reasoning about how to calculate each peel length, I think that’s an interesting comment.

As always, all linked list things are collected here.