Flatten Tree (Leetcode 7)

I think this question has a lot of potential. It is very algorithmic-y, but also has an idea that can come up in practice. Flattening a 2D object like a tree into a 1D object like a list happens in, e.g., the unit utility ls or the Window’s equivalent dir. However, the idea of keeping that same object in memory, and “punning” the linked-list structure over the tree structure, seems unneeded. Saving memory is great and I think we’re much too inclined to think memory is “free”, but from an pedagogical perspective we’re building off of a number of concepts.

Prerequisites and Solving

Of course the student should be very comfortable with typical recursion-and-binary-trees material. They should also be comfortable with updating pointers, like with complicated linked-lists questions (say, my favorite question of merging two linked lists).

Once we have all that, considering the question-actual: The “child management” is a bit tree-specific, but I think that’s OK (we’re allowed to talk about trees sometime). The idea of transforming the tree in question I think helps illustrate the power of recursion — many of the questions I’ve been thinking of don’t mutate the input.

One complication that caught me: You really have to account for both children, even the one you want to leave empty. I think this is a good “tough” question. I guess Leetcode calls it medium, sure. I’ve collected all my tree solutions here.

class Solution(object):
    def flatten(self, root):
        if root is None:
            return None
        root.right = self.flatten(root.right)
        if root.left is None:
            return root
        flatLeft = self.flatten(root.left)
        root.left = None
        t = flatLeft
        while t.right is not None: t = t.right
        t.right = root.right
        root.right = flatLeft
        return root

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