Tribonacci (Code Wars 4)

Let’s compute the complete Tribonacci (riff off of “Fibonacci”) sequence.

It’s worth a few minutes understanding and “visualizing” what the solution might look like. In this case, I just mean that we’re going to be returning a list. Moreover, (most of) the elements in that list are computed by prior elements in that list. The list is going to be n elements long (the same n as is a parameter to our function).

One of my favorite exercises: dealing with the edge/easy cases.

  1. If n is 0, we can return the empty list.
  2. If n is less than or equal to the number of elements in signature, we can just return that appropriate subsequence.
  3. Otherwise, we already have enough elements in signature to compute all the other elements we need.

And that’s the answer:

def tribonacci(signature, n):
    if n == 0:
        return []
    if n <= len(signature):
        return signature[:n]
    result = signature[:]
    for i in range(3, n):
        s = result[i-1]+result[i-2]+result[i-3]
    return result

Additional Thoughts

  1. The slice on line 5 may not be available in all languages; it will just be more verbose, if slicing isn’t available, with the spirit being the same.
  2. I think sometimes we’re returning a shallow copy (line 5), otherwise a deep copy. Probably not ideal. I wouldn’t let this pass code-review.
  3. We often have for loops that go over an array of length n. Here we’re creating an array of length n. That’s a fun contrast.
  4. This sort of algorithm, where we build the contents of the list based off of previous elements, hasn’t come up very often in my professional experiences. I suppose it’s neat to see what that kind of code looks like, though I think it doesn’t add much versus other, more applicable loop questions.

I’d categorize this question as one in the “recursion” topic. You can find all such questions on this site here.

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